New Students/First OneCard
For newly admitted students, the first OneCard is free. Here’s how to get the process started:
- If you are attending the SFSU Orientation, an Online Photo Submission email titled "Greetings from SFSU - OneCard" will be sent to your SFSU email account. This access link will only work for you. Do not send it to other students. If you can’t find the email or did not attend orientation, contact us at and provide your ID number and SF State email address to request for a CloudCard account be created for you.
- Go to your SF State email, find the email titled "Greetings from SFSU - OneCard" and click on the photo submission access link. If you can’t find it in your inbox, it may be in your junk mail.
- Submit your ID photo in the first upload box. The photo must adhere to passport photo criteria.
- Submit your supporting document in the second upload box. This can be a photo of your ID, driver’s license, passport or high school ID.
- Click on “Submit and Exit” at the bottom of the second submission page once the two photos have been uploaded.
- Check your SF State email to see if your submission was approved or denied. If approved, you will be notified when your OneCard is ready to be picked up. If denied, you will be given the reason of the denial and a link to try again.
Please note: Once the photo is approved, it cannot be changed and will remain for your entire time at SF State. So make sure you like it!

Replacing Your OneCard
Has your OneCard been lost, stolen or damaged? Go to the Lost/Stolen Card page.